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Fort Lauderdale

Depart 4:00 PM

What's In Port Cruise Wiki Wikipedia Celebrity InfoTours & Excursions Excursions & Tours Port Everglades Visit A CityRC Blog


Date Location
4 Fort Lauderdale
5 At Sea
6 Grand Cayman
7 At Sea
8 Curacao
9 Bonaire
10 Aruba
11 At Sea
12 At Sea
13 Key West
14 Fort Lauderdale

Cruise Day 1
4 Sep 2020

For those spending some extra time in the Fort Lauderdale area, the Port Everglades website has a lot of information, including an online brochure, a great map of the port area and much more.

There are a TON of hotels and lots of things to do before you board in this area of Florida.
Boarding time will likely be assigned, but plan on getting to the Cruise Terminal at least a couple of hours before departure.
Many people will try to be among the first to board, so they can throw their bags in the room, then head off to explore the ship or even disembark and see the area around the cruise terminal.
To avoid congestion, it is suggested that you plan on arriving at the Cruise Terminal no earlier than noon. This gives the disembarking passengers time to get off the ship, tie up all the porters, taxis and busses, and get away to the airport or where ever they are going.

Port Everglades Webcam - There is a webcam watching Port Everglades. See what's happening courtesy of PTZTv. NOTE: Turn off ad blockers for this to work.


Port Everglades

This Cruise Port Guide is put out by the Port Everglades Cruise Port.
It is available through the "What's In Port" link on the left - in either .pdf or "flip-book" formats.